Well, here we are!! Looks like we landed just fine. Everybody OK back there? The ride wasn’t too bumpy? I truly hope no one got lost in the process!

So… the place looks familiar, doesn’t it? I haven’t even moved the furniture around. There has been one tiny little change, however…

You’ll notice that I have a shiny new name! 🙂 And of course, a brand spanking new address to match it. Not to worry, though, I’ve had the mailman redirect my visitors, so you can still use the old one if you like.

I decided to change my name because I think that this one is a much better reflection of what this place is about, and therefore of what I am about. I hope you guys like it. 😀

As of tomorrow, it shall be business as usual.

Next step, I think this place needs a serious paint job, don’t you think? And so the search for a good professional painter begins. 😉