The Healthy Foodie

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My Kitchen Essentials

As the title suggests, My Kitchen Essentials consists in a series of posts on what I consider to be essential in my kitchen.

For now, I’ve only covered two food related topics: what goes into my pantry and what stocks up my fridge and freezer. 

Soon, I’ll be adding kitchen gear… all the pots and pans and utensils and gadgets that I couldn’t live without and that I think every kitchen should be equipped with. I might also throw in one or two “nice-to-haves”… 

First – The Food! 

Click on the picture for a detailed list of every regular food item that makes it to my cupboards. 

My Paleo Pantry | www.thehealthyfoodie.comThe Pantry

 Click on the picture for an in depth look at every food item that regularly stock my fridge and freezer

My Paleo Fridge |

The Fridge and Freezer

Happy Beef | by Sonia! The Healthy Foodie

The Chest Freezer – What you might expect when purchasing half a side of beef

Happy Pork | by Sonia! The Healthy Foodie

The Chest Freezer – What you might expect when purchasing a side of pork