Morning Cereal
I’ve often told you just how much I love my morning cereal. I could just eat them without end, really. I love them that much! Well this, is them!
My daughter thinks I am a freak, really, because frankly, there isn’t much to them. It’s just a bunch of grains that I mix together, namely oats, kamut, barley, spelt, rye and wheat, to which I add some ground flax seeds, a few dried fruits such as cranberries, dates and apricots and some toasted almonds. I then mix in some all bran and voilà, cereal is ready. I make a huge batch about once a month.
Sometimes, when I prepare them, I will add a teaspoon of wheat germ, or black chia, or break a shredded wheat biscuit and mix it in. Or fresh fruit, when I have. When I eat them post work-out, I tend to add a scoop of vanilla whey protein. That makes them extra yummy, but brings the calorie count way high, so I might have to stop doing that and break that into a pre and post workout meal instead.
This, I think, is my favorite meal of the day. At least, the one I always look the most forward to. I know… call me crazy!