Chicken Quesadilla
Can’t say I’m too happy with this picture. I find Quesadillas are very hard to make it so they look nice.They just look so boring just lying there in the plate. I’ll definitely have to work on that because it’s too bad, really. I think they are such a great dish!
So very easy to prepare, I’m not even going to bother writing down a recipe. You just basically need to throw anything you want in a tortilla, it could be chicken, kidney beans, corn, tomatoes, olives, peppers, beef, tofu, onions, even apples if you so desire. As long as you add a hefty dose of cumin and chili powder, or even better, chipotle, some Monterey Jack cheese, you get yourself a decent quesadilla!
Just throw all your ingredients in the tortilla, fold in half and bake in the oven on a cookie sheet for about 20 minutes, flipping halfway through, or you can cook them in a frying pan, over medium heat, about 5 minutes per side.
Anyway, sorry about the bad picture, I will try and get a better one next time. Here’s another try, not too happy with that one either, but will post anyway, it might grow on me! ;o)