Cooked Cereal… FAIL!
While eating my oatmeal last week, I thought I should try cooking my usual cereal. I mean, since I like it so much I am reluctant to skip days, but I also rediscovered oatmeal and remembered just how good it was, I thought maybe I could kill two birds with one stone and cook my cereal to turn them into something that’s very similar to oatmeal.
Well… first try was a flop! Really. A total disaster. I still took pictures and ate it, because, I mean, it still tasted somewhat good, well, more like tasted not awful, but it was dry, undercooked, and the addition of protein powder turned it into some sort of a gluey cementy looking concoction. I added a little bit of milk afterward, which seemed to help.
Next time, I will try adding more water and cooking it longer. It has good potential. Really. It does!