Home Made Vanilla Honey Candied Ginger
This is supposed to be a quick post.
I mean, there isn’t much to it, is there.
Well, there isn’t much to look at anyway… it’s candied ginger.
But to me, this is almost pornography! I love the stuff THAT much.
I’d always been reluctant to eating the store bought stuff or use it in recipe though, because I KNOW just how much sugar goes in the making of anything “candied”. And all the store bought ginger I found so far is always made with granulated sugar. Organic, perhaps, but still… sugar!
Plus, I find the chunks are usually way small and, well, a little bit on the dry side…
A few weeks ago, I came across a picture of TraderJoe’s Uncrystallized Ginger and I thought it looked amazingly good. I found that the pieces seemed really big and looked extremely tasty and chewy.
I immediately thought that I had to try and recreate it at home. Of course, I could NOT be using sugar. I had to find an alternative.
I basically had 2 choices. Honey or Maple Syrup. I found that honey would be a better match, so I went with that option. Boy did I ever make the right decision.
This ginger turned out INCREDIBLY good!
Now, I’m not gonna lie to you. Making candied ginger at home takes time.
It’s the kind of recipe that you have to make over the course of several days. It’s not like you have to be there and watch it the whole time, but still, you do need to plan ahead and make sure that you will be available when your beautiful treats in the making need your attention.
And attention, they require a lot of! They are of the high maintenance kind!
Still, I think the resulting goods made every second spent at the stove very well worth my while! I have never before tasted candied ginger so good, so tender and chewy, so full of flavor.
Not only do you get ginger, you also get real notes of honey, vanilla and coconut.
Seriously, if you like candied ginger, you’re gonna LOVE this one. It never really gets hard and crunchy like the store bought stuff, it remains sort of soft and sticky, and tender and gummy…
It doesn’t get any better than this, I tell you.
Oh! and as an added bonus, when you’re done with the candying process, you are left with this incredibly concentrated ginger honey at the bottom of your pot, which you can just mix in with additional honey and you then get the most incredibly delicious vanilla ginger honey, which you can then use to drizzle over all sorts of good things, to make them even better!
Or, you can just eat it by the spoonful, like I do. 😉
Just don’t tell anyone I said that… Â Â
Honey and Vanilla Candied Ginger
- 700 g ginger, peeled and cut into 1" cubes (this should yeld about 575g once it has been peeled and cut into cubes)
- 400 g unpasteurized liquid honey
- 1 kg water
- 1 vanilla bean
- 2-3 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut, ground really fine
- Add water and ginger to a medium pan with fitting lid and bring to a boil. Lower heat, cover and simmer for 30-40 minutes.
- Cut the vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape the seeds. Add that, along with the honey, to the simmering ginger. Partly cover and simmer for an additional 45 minutes over low heat.
- Turn the heat off and let the ginger soak overnight, or at least 6 hours.
- Bring back to a boil, lower heat and simmer, partly covered, for 30 minutes. Turn off the heat and allow to cool completely, then repeat 2 more times.
- Now bring bring to a boil one last time and allow to simmer, uncovered, until the honey syrup becomes really thick and takes a caramel colour. Do not allow it to burn. This should take about 15-20 minutes.
- Remove pieces of ginger and place on a cooling rack placed over a cookie sheet and allow to dry overnight.
- (Don't throw out that little bit of honey syrup that's left at the bottom of the pot! It's extremely concentrated as it is now, but just add more honey to it and you will have the most delicious Vanilla Ginger Honey... Bonus!)
- Grind the coconut in a small food processor or coffee grinder. Transfer to a plate and roll the pieces of ginger in the coconut until coated on all sides.
- Return to the cooling rack and let dry overnight once again.
- Store in an airtight container (if you still have any left to store, that is!)
If you’ve tried this recipe, please take a minute to rate the recipe and let me know how things went for you in the comments below. It’s always such a pleasure to hear from you!
You can also FOLLOW ME on PINTEREST, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM and TWITTER for more delicious, healthy recipes!
 I dare you not to grab a piece… you know you want one!Â
Before it gets coated in coconut… So sticky and sweet!Â
Better put this in the jar before I eat it all!Â
77 Comments on “Home Made Vanilla Honey Candied Ginger”
Oh my, I am so impressed by this! I’ve wanted to make candied ginger for probably years now but the sugar always made me think twice. I’m definitely going to make this when I get more honey(and time of course :D). Love the picture of before it’s rolled in coconut – oh my goodness, yum!
Thank you Heidi! I’d also been meaning to do this for a very long time now, but couldn’t get my hands on a suitable recipe… so I used what little experience I have in the art of candying things and decided to create my own! So glad I did, honey makes it so much better. Honey and ginger really are a match made in heaven! I hope you give it a try and, of course, let me know what you think if you do! 🙂
Your blog just keeps getting better and better! I LOVE crystallized ginger, I would put it in everything I bake if I could. I’m going to have to make this the next time I get a week off uni!
Wow, thank you so much Lisa, glad you think so! 🙂 You just made my day, seriously! I hope you do get to try this crystallized ginger. I too have been wanting to cook with it but was always reluctant because of all the added sugar. Now I can add it to my favorite “treats” without feeling too bad about it!
Make sure you let me know what you think if you ever get around to trying it! 🙂
Fabulous recipe! You keep amazing me every time, Sonia 🙂
Awww, thanks Elana. So sweet of you to say! 😀
What a great idea, vanilla and ginger in candy form.
Just imagine the tracks that this would inspire! Dubstep all the way, baby! 😉
Oh my gosh, you’re SO smart! I love that you used honey and coconut. Ah! I’ve been wanting to make this for ages but couldn’t figure out how to make a healthier version. Looks like porn to me!
Yay! Thank you so much, Leanne! Glad to hear I’m not the only one who sees this as porn! Now just you wait to see all the delicious recipes that this will inspire! 😉
You must be doing it on purpose to post all these delicious sweeties right now when I am trying to be all good and at least for a while not have any sweets (or at least minimal) I just know that having these beauties on hand would make me cave in and eat the whole lot! It looks absolutely delicious and looooove your photos!
Sorry Simone… I’ll try and be good for the next couple of days… I’ve got a couple of salads lined up, so you can still pay me a visit this week, there should be a lot of “greeneries” on the menu. You might want to close your eyes when the week-end comes, though… 😉
And did you say you LOOOOOOOVE my photos? Oh my! I am flushed. Thanks SO much. You just made my week. 😀
I actually have never tried candied ginger before! It sounds easy enough to make, though. I bet it is good topped on carrot cake!
Wow, I’m so impressed! I would love to make these for father’s day, but it’s going to be a busy week…we’ll see what I can swing!
wow this is totally awesome! I have to make this too.
Wowza — this looks amazing! I LOVE candied ginger, this is a MUST MAKE!
If you love candied ginger, you’ll go bonkers for that one! I think once you’ve tasted it, there’s just no going back. I’m planning on making some high protein no bake candied ginger cheesecake bars this week-end, using this very ginger of course. I really hope they turn out!
Oh, and by the way, I revisited your layered chocolate peanut butter cup thingies, including some of that candied ginger too. Those turned out AMAZING! Keep an eye out for the post! It’s coming pretty soon!
I heard that the honey gets toxic when you make it hot, is it true?
Not sure, Flor… never heard of that before. I’ll definitely have to research it. Maybe someone else will have some insight to offer?
technically no i dont think it becomes toxic as in its going to kill you.. although some religions/eastern medicines have a list of good and bad foods for balancing things in your body.. ie the Ayurveda practice… – Honey when heated above 40Ëš C becomes toxic to the body, it creates excessive heat as toxins from the pollens are released and in turn unbalances the three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. Honey should never be heated or mixed with hot foods or with alcohol. To think that all of these years I have been unbalancing my doshas that I work to keep in balance, creating an unnecessary potential energy drain. & another article:
– According to Ayurveda, when honey is heated above 108° Fahrenheit, it becomes transformed into a glue-like substance that is extremely difficult to digest. This substance is considered a toxin (ama), since it adheres to the tissues of the body and is very difficult to remove. Many incompatible food combinations produce toxins, but heated honey is one of the most difficult forms to cleanse. Furthermore, not only does heating honey make it toxic and increase ama, but new research also indicates that most of the benefits of honey — a variety of amino acids, enzymes, minerals, fatty acids and carbohydrates — are destroyed by the application of heat. Furthermore, heated honey can be mucus forming. Therefore, Ayurveda recommends raw, unprocessed honey.
Wow, thanks a bunch for all that valuable information, JJ. I truly appreciate your taking the time to post that.
I love this! I used David Lebovitz’s recipe to make candied ginger a few years ago and it tooks hours and hours of boiling. And then it was all moldy within a few days. Obviously something went wrong and after all that trouble, I just bought five pounds of candied ginger the last time I was in the US. It’s good to know I can make my own with honey. It looks great! You’re awesome for creating a honey version of this. I will definitely make it whenever I run out of the other stuff!
FIVE POUNDS??? OMG!!!! I could never have that lying around the house, I’d be eating it all the time. I’m seriously addicted to this stuff! I can tell you I made mine like 3 weeks ago and it’s still looking (and tasting!) super good! So no fuzz or mould issues. I might transfer to fridge soon, though, just to be on the safe side!
omg, looks sooo good! How long will the ginger last after you jar it? Do you keep it in the fridge?Since it is a little bit of length process, I am wondering if you could make large batches and freeze.
Well, I’ve had mine for close to 4 weeks now and it’s not showing signs of wanting to go bad on me. I have it in a Mason jar in the cupboard. With the warmer days that we are having now, I’m thinking I might want to transfer it to the fridge, but I’m not even certain that it’s necessary. The only thing that I worry about is the coconut… without it, the ginger would just never go bad because it is candied. But without it, the ginger is very sticky… Next time I make this, which should be fairly soon because I’m almost out, I will make a bigger batch and will perhaps test freezing some, but also, I will keep some out and not use it just to see how long it does keep for.
I would love to try this but I am having a hard time with the conversion for the measurements. I have never had Ginger before. But have read it was really good for digestive problems and heartburn. I would rather have honey than sugar. Thanks
Well, it’s not an exact science Paula… basically you want to use 2 parts syrup to 1 part ginger, and to make the syrup, you need to use 2½ parts water to 1 part honey. And like I said, you can go a little bit more or a little bit less, it’s not an exact science…
Hope this helps, and if you do try it, let me know how it turned out!
Thanks I am doing it right now. I am cheating a little bit. I can’t stand for long periods so I put the Ginger & water in my pressure cooker. I had read someone online did it. Plus it won’t take as long & it seemed tough. My first experience. I may cook the syrup in a lower temperature. Thanks for getting back with me. I willowy you know how it turns out.
Ginger is finally done. I used the pressure cooker it took about 30 minutes. Then I drained the water and pressured about 45 minutes more. I then did the syrup. I had to much water for the Ginger. Boiled it about 5 minutes. Removed placed in refrigerator overnight. Rolled in coconut. Pretty good. Just a lot of work.
I would be very curious to see the results! Did you also put the honey in the pressure cooker? Candying is a process that takes a long time… the goods do need to soak in that sugary syrup in order for their structure to change. Did your ginger come out really sweet and chewy? And were you left with some of that sticky honey syrup? I might have to try this for myself now. I am REALLY curious!
I’m thinking of giving this a whirl this weekend. I’ve made candied peel before & after following the candying process also dehydrated the finished product a bit ….. I was thinking I may try this here as well although note it appears to preserve well as it is.
What does 700g of ginger look like from the store? I don’t have a food scale. The rest of the ingredients, could you translate those to teaspoons/cups? Where can I find fresh vanilla beans? This looks so yummy I really want to make it. Thanks!
This could be a bit tricky to pull without a scale, for it really is a weight thing. You need to use double the weight of honey syrup to ginger… I guess you could probably do the same by volume. Using the same ratio of ginger to syrup and making the syrup using the same ratio of honey to water. As for the fresh vanilla beans, there are tons of resources that sell them online, but usually grocery stores also carry them in the baking supplies section.
Hope this helps some! This honey candied ginger really is worth the extra effort! 🙂
Thanks! I will see if I can figure it out because I really want to try this even more now!
I’m not trying to be rude, but I read all the posted comments and only 2 people made it as the recipe instructed and had it turn out. Multiple others had to change the recipe and 2 others had the same problem I am having, ginger is not chewy. From what I’ve now read in other recipes it’s best to use smaller pieces of ginger because they are less woody.
I’m so glad I found this. I also was trying to find an alternative to sugar, found this one and another one with Stevia, but this looks by far more appealing. It actually seems much simpler than the other recipes I’ve found. This is on my to do list. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Oh, and it’s so good too, Cyn. Best candied ginger I ever had, seriously! And it just seems to keeps forever! Make sure to let me know how you liked it if you do give it a try! 🙂
First time seeing your blog and I love it so far! One question, though. Are there any alternatives to the coconut as my husband is allergic (obviously not sugar!). I was thinking maybe some almonds or other nut put in the food processor?
That would probably work, Kristen, although the ginger might not keep for so long… but I would definitely consider trying it. I think ground almonds would work nice! Let me know how it goes if you do give it a try!
my first attempt is in progress! I swear by ginger-anything when my tummy hurts. Thanks for sharing your genius! Looking forward to the final results in a few days. 🙂
Thanks Jane! Make sure you let me know how the ginger works for you when it’s all good and done! I really hope you like it as much as I did! Since making this, I haven’t really been able to eat the store-bought stuff. It’s not nearly as good…
And for the record, it keeps for a VERY long time in Mason type jars.
For those who are interested in approximate English measurements, this is what I came up with:
1 1/2 pounds ginger
1 3/4 cup honey
4 cups water
1 vanilla bean
1/4 cup coconut
Thanks for that, Jane! So… are you liking the finished product?
Making this as I type! Candied ginger is my favorite! I’m going to try dipping some of these pieces in extra dark chocolate!!
OMG YUM! Why didn’t I think of that?
I wish I could post a photo of mine! I cooked mine for three days and added a touch of rum extract to the pot while it cooked. I just finished coating it all with coconut and will dip half of the batch in chocolate. omg! It’s delicious!!! Thank you so much for sharing your recipe!! I love it!!
So, so happy to hear, Ashley! I would LOVE to see a photo! Can you post it on my Facebook page?
And let me know about the chocolate coated ones! This HAS to be crazy out of this world delicious! 🙂
this looks amazing im going to make it this weekend. I love candied ginger and have been searching for a recipe that didnt use processed sugar and this recipe looks perfect.
Good to hear, Kris! Hope it turns out great! 🙂
Hi Sonia,
As others have mentioned. Ur pics are perfect, you explain things in detail, which I am a detailed oriented person. I was waiting for the “Perfect” ginger recipe to come along. And I think “yours” is the one. I really like my ginger to be so tender. And the added Vanilla bean & coconut will blow the roof off. I will be so anxious for ur next wonderful recipe to be developed. One question please. Do you buy Asian Ginger @ an Asian store, OR do you purchase ur ginger at the super market? I do know NOT to purchase any wilted ginger. If I didn’t live in an apartment, I would try to grow ginger, I’ve done quite some research on growing ginger & it is quite easy. So maybe some of your viewers have that option to grow their own. Wouldn’t that be just awesome?? Love & Peace <3 P.J.
Thank you very much for your kind word, P.J.
I never even thought of growing my own ginger. Quite frankly, I buy mine at the food market or grocery store, I don’t really have a preference, as long as it’s super fresh when it hits my shopping cart!
I’m struggling to make these actually soft and chewy. After 4 rounds of boiling and cooling I cut them into smaller pieces (started with 1″ pieces), added more water and have boiled another couple times. Still not soft and chewy though.
Did you let it soak overnight, leanne?
Same here. Hard as a rock. I let it soak more than 10 hours. And is real ginger from africa, not the fake Chinese staff supplied in the American and European markets. Also extremely spicy despite the enormous amounts of honey that seem have been wasted.
You say you let it soak for 10 hours, but did you bring it back to the boil and let it cool 3 more times after that, and then bring it to the boil again and let it simmer until the syrup became thick?
Yes I did. However it seems before you start putting the honey the ginger needs to be boiled till softened much longer than 40 mins. In addition the honey if you keep simmering it will burn. Like you write it should simmer the last 15 mins till color resembles caramel, however to become thick and sticky you must take it out from the heat and let it cool.
I wish I would have seen these comments about it not working before I started. I still cannot obtain chewy ginger and I’m disappointed in how much time and supplies I’ve wasted.
Well, it didn’t work for some, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t work for anyone. Lots of people had great success with this recipe. I’m sorry to hear that it has not been the case for you…
This sounds perfect, I can’t wait to try it! My only question concerns the vanilla bean. After splitting it, do you add just the scraped out seeds to the recipe? Or the seeds plus bean?
Just the seeds, Lauren, although you could also add the actual pod and just fish it out at the end of the process. It’ll only add that much more vanilla goodness! 🙂
I just made this. Honestly, I didn’t think mine was going to turn out that great. During the boiling process, I kept taking little tastes. Although the ginger with honey & vanilla sauce was stunningly delicious, the ginger bites weren’t really soft and chewy or very candy-like. Well, as you said, patience is required. They’re on the cooling rack right now. After about an hour, I couldn’t resist and I took another bite. Oh. My. God. How did you do it? I almost can’t believe that you came up with this recipe. Because I don’t eat refined sugars, I thought I was doomed to a life without ginger candies or at least inferior honey ginger candy recipes . It’s like a gift from God. You exist and you came up this recipe (who knows how?!) and you shared it with us!!! Seriously, THANK YOU. You have made my life!!
Note: I don’t like shredded coconut – so I’m leaving it off. I don’t care if it’s sticky. Just wanted to share that in case there are other non-coconutty people.
Oh my, thank you so much for you kind words, Angela! I am BEYOND flattered. You should see my face right now. So glad I came up with this recipe, if only so YOU could benefit from it! 😀
All the best to you, Angela. You are one true gem!!!
Also – wanted to let you know that the people who ate the ginger candy were SO SO happy. You made their lives too!!
p.p.s. Instead of shredded coconut, I mixed some powdered ginger and cinnamon (equal parts) in a bowl and rolled the pieces of candy in that. It wasn’t perfectly non-sticky but much better!!
That’s great news, Angela. I’m SO very happy to hear! And I love the idea of bringing cinnamon into the mix. The flavor combo must be pretty good! I definitely need to try!
Thank you for this great recipe. I must have candied ginger on hand at all times…to use in baking and just to eat. I love it. This is a very lovely recipe. Here is how it went down in my far west Texas kitchen today…the scraped vanilla been flavor was entirely lost early in the cooking process. For the fourth boil to reduce the sauce, I added coconut syrup (the kind sold at Sam’s Club that is used for flavoring coffee). Good advice on really keeping a close watch to prevent burning this heavenly bonus of honey ginger syrup. GUESS WHAT! I put the reduced syrup in a 9×13 baking pan to use in place of caramelized sugar for the flan I am baking tomorrow morning. Now that is a real BONUS, baby! But please, the idea to coat these candied ginger nuggets in coconut was simply divinely inspired. Thank you so much…I will be using this fabulous recipe for the rest of my life.
Thank you so much for this amazing feedback, Madeleine, I truly, sincerely appreciate it! And I think that your flan will be nothing short of spectacular. I really envy those lucky people who will get to sample it! 🙂
I just made this and it is fantastic and Im not a ginger fan. thank you
by the way, this is not sweet, it is just healthy tasting and leaves no sugar taste in your palet at all while at the same time tasting lie candied ginger, if that makes sense. lol
Real happy to hear, and thanks a bunch for letting me know. That’s sincerely appreciated!
Looks and sounds absolutely amazing I think I will dip mine in Dark Chocolate instead of coconut. Mmm
Thanks for sharing.Blessings
I made Candied Ginger but have never made it this way!! Saving this recipe honey ✅ vanilla ✅ coconut ✅ ginger!!
I have no idea why but I just finished with all the cooking steps and my beautiful ginger is drying overnight but I tried a piece and the ginger is not all the way cooked. I’m very sad and not sure what to do, I don’t want it wasted.
Not sure what happened, Danielle… and not so sure how to fix either! Is it edible still?
I mean the ginger tastes raw in the middle so its not really enjoyable. I guess I will play around and try to cook it some more
Hi I have been looking for something like this for some time and I’m excited to try it.
A few questions.
1. Since The the honey is boiled does it matter if the original is pasteurized as long as it’s real honey.?
2. Wondering if you have tried this with anything else besides the coconut.
Thanks again can’t waitbto try this
As long as you use pure liquid honey you will be fine Zena. And no, I haven’t used anything else beside coconut. Did you have anything specific in mind that you wanted to use?
What is the entire prep time for the vanilla coconut candy