So tonight I was going to tell you about how I couldn’t believe that I was already cooking beets and sweet potatoes and pumpkins and what not, and that I was seriously starting to...
So this is Labor Day… Some of you might remember that, a few months ago, I had made a pledge that I would be 8 kilos lighter by today. Well… erm… the thing is,...
OMG guys, I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am about these cookies! I swear, they are one of the best oatmeal cookies I’ve ever eaten. Yet, they are completely, entirely...
This is it, people… August ends today! Which means this is the LAST DAY OF MY 30 31 DAY SUGAR FREE CHALLENGE! I’m super proud to report that I held strong the whole time!...
The night this one came to life, I had a major craving for a crazy refreshing salad, loaded with big chunks of crispy, fresh bell peppers, thick pieces of crunchy cucumbers and TONS of...
It had been a while since I’d made little breads like these. I remember a time when I would make a different batch every.single.week-end. I had a blast creating all sorts of different flavor...
First things first… I have to ‘fess… I did not come up with that idea. But ô, how I wish I had. For it is GLORIOUS! I initially saw this recipe on Love and...
I had a real blast this week end! Honestly, the race was edge of your seat, non-stop crazy action packed and I was lucky enough to have incredibly AMAZING seats. I had a BLAST...
Life is about to get in the way for this foodie. Oh, don’t be alarmed, it’s nothing serious… Only, I won’t be around this week-end, or at least, I won’t be around MUCH… I...
Now please guys, don’t start praying for snow just yet alright? I promise to leave you alone with my grilled stuff… soon! In fact, this would be the last one in line for the...
Corn season is here… and is already almost gone! I usually eat TONS of corn when it’s in season, but this year has been very different. I only bought one dozen so far, and...
I can’t believe I missed my own 500th post. Seriously. This would be post number 501. Yay me! Way to miss an important milestone…This is almost like missing my own birthday. Oh well. Not...
Hey! I’m Sonia, a former overweight who used to drink and smoke way too much and really didn't eat all that well... Then one day, I decided to quit all that and turn my life around.
In an effort to find my own healthy balance, I experimented with all kinds of diets. For years, paleo has been my thing but I've recently switched to a vegan lifestyle for ethical and environmental reasons.
The recipes on here are a reflection of this quest: you will find a bit of everything!
Go ahead and flip through the pages of what I like to call my culinary diary. Who knows, you may find a recipe or two that will inspire you...