You all know just how much I love my buckwheat, right? So of course, it will come as no surprise to you if I say that, when I saw this recipe for Spiced Buckwheat...
For some strange reason, it seems like I very rarely eat plain quinoa. I always “do” something with it. It’s not that I don’t like the seed on its own, far from there! In...
If, like me, you have smoothies at one point or another of pretty much every day of your life, I guess you too are probably after new flavor combinations, just to change from the...
The inspiration for these pretty little things came to me after I made this Caramelized Pear, Chocolate and Goat Cheese Smoothie not so long ago. The flavor combination was just sooooo amazing, I just HAD...
Been experimenting again with making grain free pie crust using almond pulp. This new crust recipe is very, very similar to the one I used in my Asparagus Quiche, except this time I used...
Please, guys, let me get something off my chest here… AAAAARRRGGH!!! There, I feel better… I think! For tonight would be one of those nights… you know the kind when absolutely NOTHING seems to...
After I used date paste in my Most Decadent Paleo Chocolate Cake Ever, I came to realize that this little marvel of a sweetener was causing a lot of confusion, so I decided to make...
Sorry guys, I haven’t been around much lately… Life kinda got in the way, you see! 😉 Ever since my friend got here, the hours have been flying like they were mere minutes and...
I need to confess something here… I’m just soooo honored, I just don’t know where to start or what to say really. It’s like words suddenly elude me. I’ve been nominated for the Versatile Blogger...
This blogger is so incredibly excited it’s not even funny… For you see, she is expecting company! Indeed, one of my very good friends from far far away, is coming over for a short...
I know what you’re thinking: NO WAY! THAT CAKE? THAT ONE RIGHT THERE? IT’S ACTUALLY HEALTHY? HECK YEAH! And you know what? I don’t blame you one bit for having these thoughts! How could...
Guys, I fear we might have a problem. A big problem… You see, ever since I started making my own almond milk, I’ve become fascinated with finding creative ways to use the pulp that...
Hey! I’m Sonia, a former overweight who used to drink and smoke way too much and really didn't eat all that well... Then one day, I decided to quit all that and turn my life around.
In an effort to find my own healthy balance, I experimented with all kinds of diets. For years, paleo has been my thing but I've recently switched to a vegan lifestyle for ethical and environmental reasons.
The recipes on here are a reflection of this quest: you will find a bit of everything!
Go ahead and flip through the pages of what I like to call my culinary diary. Who knows, you may find a recipe or two that will inspire you...